+7-800-200-12-07, +7 8442 998-002

Rokossovskogo street, 62. Volgograd, Russia

About hotel

Booking on our site guarantees the best prices. If, before or within 24 hours after your reservation you find a lower price, just post us a request in the framework of the "Best Price Guarantee", and we will give you a lower price.

Extra advantages:

  • No hidden fees
    Many booking companies charge extra fees for online-reserving. We do'not.
  • Exclusive offers
    Booking via our official web site gives you an opportunity to became our regular client, get Starpoints for each booking and compliments from hotel.
  • Allocation of points
    Only booking via our official web site gives you an opportunity to become our regular client, save Starpoints from each booking and get extra accumulating discount for accommodation in our hotel.

To meet all requests City Hotel offers a wide range of rooms in different categories. Take a rest, have a great time and find all facilities for best accommodation in our hotel.

Our rooms offer absolutely everything for your comfort. To reserve a room you don’t need to wait or go somewhere – just book rooms in our web-site for the best rates. We are waiting for you!

Standard rooms, Comfort and Suites are for your choice. It is very easy to book a room in City Hotel – just make your accommodation choice and fill in a simple form.

City Hotel provides guests with 24-hour room service. All rooms have minibar, regardless of room category.

We are sure that your staying at the hotel will be comfortable, convenient and will exceed your expectations!
